Registration: To be updated soon!!
Register for the retreat by mailing your registration application with your check made out to the "All Lutheran Women's Retreat" in the amount of $ to address below or click below to register online for
JoAnn Fawley, Retreat Treasurer,
6409 W. Old Mountain Rd.
Louisa, VA 23093.
Please include registration form which includes name, address, phone, email, and congregation/location, emergency contact and emergency contact phone number.
There is a registration form that can be printed and mailed in or submitted on-line through this website. Please see the menu bar above and click on registration form, or click button to be taken to form.
The deadline for refunds is . Please email to request a refund before September 8, 2017 or to donate your registration as a scholarship.
You may pay with PayPal by clicking on this button